Elocarry - Notice history

Game Cheats


Loader Framework - Operational

Escape from Tarkov - Operational

Apex Legends - Operational

Dead by Daylight - Operational



Elocarry Website - Operational

Build Server - Operational

Notice history

May 2023

Offline due to game update
  • Resolved

    Elocarry has now updated this game cheat. Please re-download from your Elopanel.

  • Investigating

    The recent game update has affected this game cheat from being online. Please standby for an update. 13.10 will be live soon!

Apr 2023

Offline due to detection.
  • Resolved

    We are happy to announce that all existing subscribers will be able to use Elocarry at 22:30 today!

    We will keep the store turned off till the last remaining bugs have been fixed.

    This is a beta release. More information will be posted soon!

  • Monitoring

    After 6 days of internal testing, we can now play full matches without any major crashes! We will be releasing first to our Elocarry+ customers, as the build will be in beta still. If all goes well with that, we will then release the build public.

    The next step is to release it to our Elocarry+ customers and gather feedback. We need a larger testing size to ensure stability is met across the entire product.

    We are working on getting this build out to the Elocarry+ subscribers as we speak.

  • Monitoring

    After injecting and using the cheat we found some major issues with the orbwalker and evade. Since then we have fixed both evade and orbwalker modules, however, there is one last issue with lane clear. This is being fixed as we speak.

    I don't want to jinx anything but we are looking good and making progress every hour.👍

  • Monitoring

    We have made fantastic progress! We are just resolving our last issue with networking.
    The connection between build servers and the loader is slightly wrong. It’s being changed as we speak.

    I don’t see why we can’t be online from today.

  • Monitoring

    Unfortunately, things haven't gone quite to plan. We will update you all when significant developments happen. The ETA curse continues! :((

    Please stick with us, it will be worth it. I promise!

  • Monitoring

    We will be live again Sunday, 16 April 2023! Get ready!

  • Investigating

Apr 2023 to Jun 2023
